Friday 2 October 2015

Thing 3 Your Professional Brand

What took me so long? I know, you're thinking I'm not serious about following Rudai 23, but this is not so.
 I should have known that starting the course so close to the end of term would cause me to falter at (almost) the first hurdle. With so much going on at work, the very last thing I wanted to do when I got home was jump back on the computer.
Then the long Summer break... sorry, but there was always something else I'd rather be doing!! I'm just not tech-motivated, but that's exactly why I need to complete this course.

Anyway, I'm back, and what's more I have a photo and the start of a profile on LinkedIn.
Like many others (I suspect) I joined LinkedIn a long time ago as a means to finding an old friend. It worked, she was there, and we're back in touch, but then that was it, I didn't do anything further. So thanks to Rudai 23 I've made a bit of effort, and taken my first baby steps into social media. There will be no stopping me now. Who am I kidding? It feels alien and awkward promoting 'my brand'. Maybe the next 'thing' will be easier...

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